American Horror Story Season 7 Episode 3 Review

REVIEW: American Horror Story – Season 10, Episode iii "Thirst"

"I don't desire to be bang-up; I want to be the greatest."


"Thirst" sees Harry deal with the fallout of Alma taking the pill. The police chief comes back to ask questions about a rabbit Alma killed and drained in the cemetery. The stress of the confrontation forces Doris into premature contractions, and she falls down the stairs, hospitalizing her for a few days. Harry goes on the hunt to feed Alma, whom he warns to be careful with the pills. He tries to get her to quit the pills birthday, but she won't considering he doesn't. Belle and Austin notice Harry taking extra blood home when they feed and threaten his and Alma's safety. He promises to get her off the pills, but after he leaves, they agree he must dice yet. Ursula, Harry'due south agent, comes to town to bank check on him, merely she has ulterior motives. Mickey tries to woo Ursula with his own scripts, and she is impressed but knows something is up. She agrees to sign him if he steals her some of Belle's pills, and he does so, but Belle soon discovers as much and orders Mickey to kill Ursula. The police chief returns to question Alma while Harry is out and Ursula is babysitting her. After a few uncomfortable questions, Alma kills her and drinks her blood. Ursula makes a deal with Mickey to grant her access to the source of the pills and let her alive in exchange for a career as a screenwriter. When Harry comes abode, Alma and Ursula are playing games, and the latter tells him they need to talk.

American Horror Story, Thirst

"Cerise Tide" has gotten down to business rapidly, and I love it. This episode kept me guessing from start to finish, but the most surprising turn of events was definitely when Harry's intended victims flipped the script on him. I honey how this plays out, with Harry telling the seemingly helpless woman he's sad just for a large guy to knock him out from backside. This story element abandoned the more subtle tone this flavour has gone for and then far, just surprisingly, information technology didn't bother me too much. Information technology was funny watching these morons endeavor to abuse someone who poses a threat they tin can't peradventure anticipate or defend confronting. I as well like how Harry's taking the pill has created bigger and bigger bug for him. At first, he was arguing the value of human life to Belle and Austin, and now here he is killing people for his daughter and getting involved in increasingly risky hunts. I was really afraid for Ursula when Harry left her to babysit Alma, who is becoming unpredictable and dangerous. Information technology makes sense that such a hardened businesswoman would find a way to profit off of such a deranged situation, only information technology's non at all what I expected. I love Leslie Gross, and they offed Adina Porter's grapheme unceremoniously in "Thirst," so I was afraid they'd do the same to her. I actually like what they're doing with Alma, and Ryan Keira Armstrong is killing it, peculiarly for a kid histrion. The idea of a kid turning into a bloodthirsty monster is somehow even more disturbing than an adult. When she said they should carelessness Doris and that she doesn't care about having a family unit, only playing music, that was spooky. I too found Ursula'southward interactions with Mickey hilarious. She constantly insults him, only all he cares well-nigh is getting piece of work, so he'll seemingly tolerate and practice anything to get in her skilful graces and stay there. When she threatened to burn down his script, and he reacted in panic, I thought it would be awfully dumb to have only made the i copy, merely once more, it makes sense for this grapheme.

American Horror Story, Thirst

Angelica Ross makes her series return in "Thirst" as the Pharmacist after playing Nurse Rita in "1984." It still throws me off that that was two years ago now. I'm intrigued at how and why anyone would create something like the black pill, but since she barely appeared in this episode, I assume nosotros'll get more info and backstory from her as the flavor continues. Denis O'Hare, one of the most underrated regulars on American Horror Story, also returned in "Thirst" as an interior designer. He only interacted with the police chief, who died subsequently in the episode, and then I'm eager to see how he'll tie into the larger story. Has he taken the pill too? Later on all, he surely considers his work an art course too. I don't know why O'Hare hasn't appeared in more seasons (he has been absent from three and so far) or garnered more than hype from fans. He was particularly good as Liz Taylor in "Hotel," who, along with Kathy Bates' Iris, stole the bear witness. I'grand really looking forrad to seeing what happens with this graphic symbol. We however don't know much nigh Belle and Austin, but I like them, and I am curious. I like their karaoke segments and the ruthlessness they show their victims, and even their own kind, like when they vow to kill Harry and Alma. It's interesting that they can exist and then lighthearted and fun to watch in one scene just still maintain an air of menace when information technology's needed. Belle'south scenes with Mickey are peculiarly disturbing. Despite writing most people similar him, she sees him as subhuman and his poverty every bit "offensive." The mode she talks about torturing her characters to get a improve story could exist applied to her own life and what she does to other people. The Chemist must be someone to fear also; they're at her mercy. And their resolve to kill Harry and his family unit is strengthened by her ultimatum that she won't supply more pills until it'due south done.

American Horror Story, Thirst

"Thirst" is a nifty episode in a season that I promise can keep this momentum going. Virtually every character is perfectly cast, I really similar the more somber tone of "Red Tide," and the atmosphere of dread they're slowly building is simply fantastic. I didn't know almost "Double Characteristic" going in, but I'thou sold at this point. I tin't wait to see what happens to every major graphic symbol, and if anybody makes information technology out rubber, it's Doris and her baby.

Plot - 9

Acting - 9

Progression - 9

Production Design - 9

Horror Elements - 9



"Thirst" is a great episode in a season that I hope can keep this momentum going. Virtually every grapheme is perfectly cast, I really similar the more somber tone of "Red Tide," and the temper of dread they're slowly building is only fantastic.


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